Practice Enrolment Process
New and Returning Patients
To enrol as a new patient, please follow these simple steps:
Complete an enrolment form (available online or in person).
Your enrolment will be placed on hold while it awaits approval.
Our Practice Care Team will contact you to confirm if your enrolment has been accepted or declined.
Once accepted, Reception will book you a 30-45 minute Hauora Planning consult.
Reception will also request your medical records from your previous practice.
After your Hauora Planning consult, a 5-week follow-up appointment will be scheduled.
Enrolment Requirements
To enrol, you must provide proof of identification. We accept New Zealand Passports or New Zealand Birth certificates with photo ID.
If you are not a New Zealand citizen, you are required to produce a 2 year working visa & proof of identification.
Health Information Privacy Statement
To ensure sound understanding of your health records and information, please ensure you have read and acknowledged the Use of Health Information Privacy Statement.
Clinic Hours
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Closed Weekends
& Public Holidays
Eastridge Shopping Centre
25/215 Kepa Rd, Mission Bay
09 578 0956