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How it all began
The genesis of Ōrakei Health began in the 1970's desired from our Ngāti Whātua kuia (elderly woman) and kaumātua (elderly men) to manaaki (look after) and awhi (support) in advocating Māori health and well-being for our Whānau and the wider community. By influence of Aunty Ruby, Aunty Anne, Aunty Josie, Aunty Puawai, Uncle Hapi and many others; the moemoea (vision) would be the fore front of what Ōrakei Health has become today.
We first opened within a small prefab at the back of Ōrakei Marae with social services. Years later in 1990, a Whare Ora (house of health) was established called Tumanako (hope) House, named after the kuia Tumanako - also known as Aunty Hope; and by virtue of its name, a place of hope.
Throughout the early 2000's, our Whare Ora (house of health) grew in to a Health clinic. More Māori integrated into this sector with their collective experience and knowledge which enabled Ōrakei Health to further the motive "For Māori, by Māori - influencing hauora journey's together". The intention was to present whānau and the community with the importance of their well-being and how we could support them on their journey.
Fifty years since its inception, our clinic has continued to grow and support our community. As we continue the legacy and commitment of our Kuia and Kaumatua, we recognise just how far we have come. From a small prefab to a clinic, to now working alongside other Health Organisations within Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland) and extending into Primary Care and Community Development; Ōrakei Health are committed in ensuring your Hauora is our priority.
"We needed to have a look at the needs of our people and how we can help... we were able to get Tumanako house for the purpose of setting up a Whare Ora (House of health) so we can get into the hauora of our people."
Puna (Danny) Tumahai

Our Team

Sariah Witika
Practice Manager

Veenita Devi
Clinical Nurse Manager
Ramesh Nair
General Practitioner

Dr. Gayatri Surwade

General Practitioner

Dr. Sophie Ball
General Practitioner
Dr. Kimberley Davies
General Practitioner

Dr. David Feng
General Practitioner (Telehealth)

Tylah Tanaki
Registered Nurse
Limiteti Tuimana
Registered Nurse

Rose Rudolph
Enrolled Nurse

George Wilcox
Health Care Assistant

Frances Boyce
Kaiaarahi Hauora

Sue George
Health Improvement Practitioner

Gabrielle Joseph
Health Coach

Eileen Witika

Helen Heuvel
Accounts Administrator

Peyton Kaihe-Rakete
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